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Si të shkruajmë një E-mail formal në anglisht?

Emaili ёshtё njё nga format mё tё pёrdorshme tё komunikimit nё botё. Ёshte I shpejtё, I menjёhershёm dhe tё lejon tё ndёrveprosh me njerёz apo biznese pavarёsisht cdo kufiri.

Tё shkruash njё email formal nё anglisht, kёrkon aftёsi tё vecanta, pasi ky email duhet tё jetё sa me profesional, pasi mund t’i drejtohet njё punёdhёnёsi, kompanie apo njё shkolle ku dёshiron tё aplikosh. Prandaj, ёshtё e rёndёsishme tё mos gabosh nё mёnyrё qё tё lesh pёrshtypje tё mira.

Nё kёtё blog do tё flasim mbi:

· Rregullat e tё shkruajturit njё email formal

· Struktura e emailit formal

· Shembuj tё emaileve formale

Rregullat e tё shkruajturit njё email formal

Kur shkruan njё email formal, mos improvizo. Mёso disa rregulla specifike pёr ta shkruar kёtё email dhe ndiqi ato me pёrpikmёri. Mё poshte, do tё gjeni disa kёshilla pёr tё mos gabuar kur shkruani njё email tё tillё:


Kjo pjesё e emailit ёshtё gjёja e parё qe marrёsi do tё shohё para se ta hapё emailin tuaj. Prandaj, bёni kujdes tё mos bёni gabime kur e shkruani, pasi kjo gjё mund ta shtyjё marrёsin tё mos e hapё fare ose ta fshijё emailin tuaj. Shkruajeni saktё dhe permblidhni me 1-3 fjalё se pёr cfarё e keni dёrguar kёtё email.


Ndryshe nga shumё gjuhё tё tjera, si dhe vetё gjuha shqipe, qё kёrkojnё fjali tё gjata komplekse nё formulimin e njё emaili formal, gjuha angleze favorizon fjali tё shkurtra, koncize dhe tё qarta. Sigurohu tё ndash zhvillimin e emailit ne 2-3 paragrafe, ku tё shtjellosh nga njё pikё kyce ne secilёn prej tyre. Nё kёtё mёyrё, emaili do tё jetё I mirёstrukturuar dhe I qartё pёr tu kuptuar.


Sigurohu tё mos pёrdorёsh shkurtime kurrsesi. Shkruaj cannot nё vend tё can’t, do not nё vend tё don’t, I am nё vend tё I’m etj. Gjithashtu, sigurohu tё mos pёrdorёsh fjalё qe I pёrkasin zhargonit tё jetёs sё pёrditshme, apo fjale qё pёrmbajnё kuptime tё dyta, ofenduese apo tё pasjellshme. Pra, bёj kujdes nё fjalorin e pёrdorur.


Mos e dёrgo kurrё njё email pa e rishikuar. Rilexo emailin me kujdes pёr tё kapur ndonjё gabim drejtshkrimor apo gramatikor qё mund tё tё ketё shpёtuar pa parё. Kjo tё ndihmon qё tё mos gabosh dhe tё dukesh profesional dhe I kujdesshёm.

Struktura e emailit formal


Emaili duhet tё pёrmbaje gjithmonё njё hyrje. Ajo duhet tё nisё gjithmonё me njё pёrshendetje pёr marrёsin. Mё tё pёrshtatshmet janё:

· Dear Mr/Mrs/Ms (mbiemri I marrёsit, psh. Mr Smith)

· Dear Sir/Madam (nёse nuk e dini emrin e marrёsit) ose pёr tё qenё mё e pёrgjithёshme: ‘To whom it may concern’

Pas pёrshёndetjes, shkruani arsyen pёr tё cilёn po shkruani. Pёrshkruani veten, por shumё shkurt. Pёrshkrimet e gjata bёjnё qё lexuesi tё humbasё interesin pёr tё lexuar mё tej.

· I am writing with regard to… (email subject)

· I am writing in connection with… (email subject)

· I am writing in reference to…

Nёse po dёrgon email pёr tё dёrguar informacion, nise me njё nga fjalitё e mёposhtme:

· I am writing to let you know…

· I am delighted to tell you… (nёsё po komunikon lajme tё mira)

· I regret to inform you that… (nёsё po komunikon lajme tё kёqija)

Nёse po pёrgjigjesh pёr njё email qё ke marrё mё parё, mund tё nisёsh me:

· I am writing in response to…

· I am writing in reply to…

· I am writing to thank you for… (nёse tё duhet tё falenderosh marrёsin)

BODY OF THE TEXT – zhvillimi

Nuk ka njё formulё fikse pёr tё shkruar zhvillimin, pasi cdo email ndryshon nё varёsi tё asaj pёr tё cilёn po shkruani. Megjithatё, sic e pёrmendёm edhe mё lart, sigurohuni ta ndani nё paragrafe tё shkurtra, tё mos pёrdorni shkurtime dhe fjalё tё cilat do i pёrdornit nё njё email joformal qe do ja dёrgonit njё familjari apo miku.

Bazuar nё llojin e mesazhit qё po dergoni, ka disa lloj pёrshendetjesh qё mund tё dёrgoni para se tё mbyllni emailin tuaj, si pёr shembull:

· I look forward to hearing from you soon

· Thank you in advance

· For further information, please do not hesitate to contact me

· Please let me know if you have any questions

· Thanks for your attention

CONCLUSION – mbyllja

Mёnyrat mё tё zakonshme pёr tё mbyllur njё email formal janё:

· Best regards

· Kind regards

· Yours faithfully (nёse e ke filluar emailin me ‘Dear Sir/Madam’ sepse nuk e di emrin e marrёsit)

· Yours sincerely (nёse e ke filluar emailin me ‘Dear Mr/Mrs/Ms + mbiemrin e marrёsit)

· Regards

EXAMPLES – shembuj

Koha pёr tё vendosur nё praktikё cfarё mёsuam.

Shembulli 1: Vonesa e njё porosie

Subject: Delivery delay

Dear Mr Pascal,

We regret to inform you that we will not be able to respect the deadline previously agreed for the delivery of your order. Our supplier has warned us today that they are experiencing supply problems, which will result in a delay in our production chain. We count on your understanding and thank you for your patience.

Please accept our apologies.

Best regards,

Shembull 2: T’i pёrgjigjesh njё reklamё pune

Subject: Web Content Editor position

Dear Sir/Madam,

With reference to your job ad in xxx, I would like to submit my application for the position of Web Content Editor in your company.

I graduated in Communication Sciences at the University of xxx and worked for several years in a Digital Agency as Content Specialist. I believe my skills and experience are in line with the requirements for the job position. I will be glad to introduce myself in an interview, that will allow you to better evaluate my possible recruitment.

Please find attached a copy of my resume. I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully,

Shembulli 3: Tё dёrgosh njё katalog produkti

Subject: New product catalogue

Dear Ms.Jones,

Following your request, we have recently sent you our new catalogue. We are convinced that it will enable you to see the quality of our products. Our local agent will contact you soon to arrange a meeting on a day and time that suits you in order to discuss in detail how our products can be of benefit to your company’s needs.

For further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Yours sincerely,

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